Getting dark too dark to see

Shanghai, 2013. Yashica-Mat EM, Yashinon 3.5/80. D76 soaked Neopan-SS 100.

I was hanging around on the street again yesterday afternoon but found nothing really interesting. Until the sky was getting dark I saw a girl sitting at the roadside sketching an old apartment that hardly noticed she was there, so I walked back and took out my TLR started shooting. The meter showed that I need to set speed at 1/2’s for F/4 which was not possible without a tripod with me. I have to either put the camera on the ground and hold it to the desired angle, or tightly lean on the sidewall and hold the camera steady as possible as I can to release the shutter button. The last photo was actually shot at 1’s, F/5.6 as I was hoping to get a bit more of DOF. There’s no way to get any sharper shots but expecting some less blur photos. The girl didn’t notice I was there until she’s almost done.

Girl sketching

Girl sketching

Girl sketching

Bob Dylan – Knocking on heaven’s door

Preparation of mutton hotpot (shabu-shabu)

Shanghai, 2013. Ikoflex Ic, Carl Zeiss Tessar 3.5/75. D76 soaked Shanghai GP3 100.

Traditional coal heated Chinese hotpot was said originally from Mongolian. There are different translation for 涮羊肉火鍋: Mutton hotpot; Instant boiled mutton hotpot; Mongolian mutton hotpot. Or, call it shabu-shabue (シャブシャブ) instead of hotpot.

I found it very interesting for shabu-shabu hotpot that almost everyone believe it was from Japan. A Japanese told me some years ago shabu-shabu is describing the boiling sound of the hot soup. Wikipedia also said shabu-shabu “The term is an onomatopeia, derived from the sound emitted when the ingredients are stirred in the cooking pot”. Until recently I read “和新井一二三一起讀日文” (Studying Japanese together with Araihifumi) said shabu-shabu is Japanese kanji pronunciation for “涮涮” (instant boiled). Instead of everyone in the table sharing and eating in a big hotpot, it was redesigned and changed to a small hotpot in Taiwan that every individual can order different tastes without eating or sharing with others. And call it “Japanese Shabu-Shabu” since then. If what Araihifumi said is right here, my thought is very much the same when I found “Play that funky music” was actually played by a band that is all white boys, no blacks.

Wild Cherry – Play that funky music

Mutton hot pot (shabu-shabu)

Christmas in February

Shanghai, 2013. Ikoflex Ic, Carl Zeiss Tessar 3.5/75. D76 soaked Shanghai GP3 100.

In Asia, you may see some shops keep the Christmas signs or decorations on the wall for weeks or months after Christmas Eve.

Christmas in February

Hello Kitty

Shanghai, 2013. Nikon FE, Mir-24N 2/35. D76 soaked Tmax 400.

Hello Kitty

Shanghai alley scene

Shanghai, 2013. Nikon FE, Mir-24N 2/35. D76 soaked Tmax 400.

Old ladies sitting there on fine days. Chatting, gossiping and watching by the way if any strangers coming in or going out.

Shanghai alley scene

Bankok Bank

The Bund, Shanghai, 2013. Yashica-Mat EM 3.5/75. D76 soaked Neopan-SS 100.

Put the the camera on the ground and hold it for shooting at the speed of 1/2’s.

Bangkok Bank


Shanghai, 2013. Super Richoflex 3.5/80. D76 soaked Shanghai GP3 100.

The hanging linen curtain up in the entrance a Japanese restaurant.


black & white

Shanghai, 2013. Canon 7, Jupiter-12 2.8/35. D76 soaked bulk Arista Premium 400.

A hair saloon, not photo studio.

black & white

Upcoming show

Shanghai, 2013. Super Ricohflex, Ricoh Anastigmat 3.5/75. D76 soaked Lucky SHD 100.

Rose Rose I love you

Mannequin head

Shanghai, 2013. Canon 7, Jupiter-12 2.8/35. D76 soaked Lucky SHD 400.

Look a bit scary?

Mannequin head